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Assalamu Alaikum, Welcome to Faiz e Raza Hyderabad.
We are an Islamic research and Educational from India. The major goal of our is to spread the Islamic knowledge to the world. We spread the Islamic knowledge with the help of our online information, publishing books, online videos and by issuing fatwa’s regarding various matters for muslims.
The Muslim Revivalist of the 14th Century, Imam-e-Ahle Sunnah, Azeemul Barkat, A'la Hadrat, Mujaddid Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Al-Qaaderi Barakaati (radi Allahu Ta'ala anhu).
Our mission is to spread his teachings to entire Muslim Ummah, his teachings are the true teaching of
Prophet Muhammad Salal La Ho Alai Hi Wasal’lam(Peace be upon him).
Imam Ahmed Raza Khan (radi Allahu Ta'ala anhu), popularly known as "A'la Hadrat" in the Islamic world, was born on the 10th of Shawaal 1272 A.H. (14 June 1856) in Bareilly Shareef, India. His father, Moulana Naqi Ali Khan (radi Allahu Ta'ala anhu), and illustrious grandfather, Moulana Rida Ali Khan (radi Allahu Ta'ala anhu), were great Awliya and celebrated theologians recognized as such by academic circles of the entire sub-continent.
Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Al-Qaaderi (radi Allahu Ta'ala anhu) received his Sanads (Certificates of Proficiency) in Fiqh, Tafseer, Usool-e-Fiqha and Sihah Sitta (Six Authentic Books of Ahadith) from the learned Ulema of his period, including learned Arab Scholars from Makkatul Mukarramah.
A'la Hadrat (radi Allahu Ta'ala anhu) achieved the status of a versatile scholar and obtained a high distinction in over 50 branches of learning pertaining to the Ancient Sciences, Modern Sciences, Oriental learning, Islamic Jurisprudence, Tassawuf, and numerous other branches.
On his visit to Makkatul Mukarramah and Madinatul Munawwarah, Imam Ahmed Raza Al-Qaaderi (radi Allahu Ta'ala anhu) was treated with great dignity and was conferred the title of "Imam-e-Ahle-Sunnat" by eminent Ulema. He was also hailed as the Mujaddid "Revivalist" of the Century. Deadly opposed to fanatical extremism, he expounded the pure teachings of the Ahle Sunnah Wa Jamaah. He acted as a shield against those who wanted to assault the principles of the Ahle Sunnah Wa Jamaah.
As a devout Sufi, A'la Hadrat (radi Allahu Ta'ala anhu) was awarded the Ijaazah and Khilafat (Certificate of Spiritual Successorship) in the Qaaderiya Silsila (Order), as well as in 13 other branches of Sufism. His Sheikh-ut-Tareeqah (Spiritual Master) was the celebrated Grand Master, Sayyid Sha Ale-Rasool Ahmadi Al-Qaaderi Al Barkaati (radi Allahu Ta'ala anhu) of Mahrerah Shareef, India.
As an author, Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Al-Qaaderi (radi Allahu Ta'ala anhu) has left to his credit more than a 1 000 (thousand) books on 50 different subjects ranging from Tafseer, Logic, Grammar, Literature, Islamic Jurisprudence, Education, Sociology, Astronomy, Mathematics, Physics, History, Science of History, Engineering, Biographies, Philosophy, Mysticism to Persian, Arabic, Urdu and Hindi Literature.
A'la Hadrat, Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Al-Qaaderi (radi Allahu Ta'ala anhu) left behind many students and Khulafa (Spiritual Successors) who have achieved world-wide prestige for their contributions towards Islam and some, for their exemplary missionary activities. Among them were A'la Hadrat's (radi Allahu Ta'ala anhu) two sons, Hujjatul Islam, Moulana Sha Haamid Raza Al-Qaaderi Barkaati Noori and Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Sha Mustapha Raza Al-Qaaderi Barkaati Noori (radi Allahu Ta'ala anhuma); Muballigh-e-Islam, Moulana Abdul Aleem Siddique Al-Qaaderi (radi Allahu Ta'ala anhu), Sadrush Sharee'ah Moulana Amjad Ali Al-Qaaderi (radi Allahu Ta'ala anhu), Malikul Ulema Sayyid Sha Zafruddeen Behari (radi Allahu Ta'ala anhu), Sayyidain Kareemain Abul Barkaat Sayyid Ahmed and Abul Hasanaat Sayyid Muhammad (radi Allahu Ta'ala anhuma), Ustaazul Ulema Moulana Sha Ahmed Mukhtaar Siddique Meerati (radi Allahu Ta'ala anhu), Qutbe Madina Sheikh Ziauddeen Ahmed Siddique Al-Qaaderi Madani (radi Allahu Ta'ala anhu) - to name, but a few.
A'la Hadrat, Imam Ahmed Raza Khan (radi Allahu Ta'ala anhu) passed away on Friday, the 25th of Safar 1340 A.H. (28 October 1921), when the Mu'azzin was calling "Hayya alal Falaah" in the Azaan of Jummah Salaah. Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi Raaji'un.
All in all: Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Al-Qaaderi (radi Allahu Ta'ala anhu) was a multi-dimensional scholar, orator, teacher, author, spiritual leader and true servant of Islam. It can justifiably be said that the mission of A'la Hazrat (radi Allahu Ta'ala anhu) has become a world-wide movement which is gaining popularity day-by-day.
To love Almighty Allah and His beloved Messenger, Sayyiduna Rasulullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam).
To love those who love Almighty Allah and His beloved Messenger, Sayyiduna Rasulullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam).
To hate those who hate Almighty Allah and His beloved Messenger, Sayyiduna Rasulullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam).
To tread the path of the Ambiya, the Awliya, the Shuhadah, the Saaliheen and Siddiqeen (ridwanullahi Ta'ala ajma'in).
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